If you want to know why your Pool Tech training program isn’t motivating your techs to up-skill, start by taking a look at how engaged they are.When you have a Pool Maintenance business, you depend on your technicians every single day to represent your company and get jobs done professionally. Taking care of your team includes keeping them motivated to always do their best work and improve their skillset.

Older Techs are retiring in droves, and the industry is now being flooded with younger swimming pool technicians. With this new generation of Pool tech under your wing, it can be really challenging to figure out what keeps the fire burning inside of them. How can you motivate them to stay on top of their craft and best serve your clients? What worked for your senior techs is probably not going to work for the newer ones.

Let’s face it; some senior Pool techs have an attitude that they have already mastered their craft, leading to complacency and disinterest in up-skilling. But the Green techs? They’re likely unsure of their skills as a beginner because their training isn’t motivating them to improve.

They either don’t have adequate, updated training materials, or they are missing out on critical exposure to repetitive learning opportunities. Maybe it’s both. In either scenario, a lack of quality training can be seriously demotivating, and that mindset often leads to under-performance and costly mistakes.

Lifeguard provides intensive two-day Pool Maintenance training seminars, both virtually and in-person in cities across the country. 

Our two-day Pool Maintenance training seminars are designed for maintenance personnel in residential and commercial facilities. They cover fundamentals of pool and hot tub operation and repair, as well as specialized courses on water treatment and filter systems. 

Most of these intensive, interactive live training sessions are available as public seminars, only two days in length and cost just $1,195 per 2-day session. Lifeguard also has one-day sessions that are $595 per 1-day session